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Mischief at the Museum is a 1-6 player board game where players collaborate to create a museum and then compete to have the best day ever!

It has been designed from the ground up to be accessible to casual board game players. The quick & easy collaborative building draws folks in and they get excited about creating a space. Then the game switches to strategic set collection and brings them along for the ride. Easy to follow Action Cards help as well, and the emergent storytelling that manifests ensures a hilarious and memorable experience for all.

Take a look at the Sell Sheet (png)(pdf)

But don't just take my word for it, check out the Board Game Geek page too. Oh, and if you've just played, I'd really appreciate you leaving an honest review on BGG!

Sell sheet

Still not sure about the game? No problem! I'll explain more:

Let's start with Create.

You start by creating a museum, any kind of museum, collaboratively with your friends!

This is done with cool museum jigsaw tiles, guaranteed to let you correctly make any museum floorplan you want. And once it's all together, the whole museum slides as one!

Then you fill it with shiny Memory Tokens and Visitor Meeples.

Do you like shiny things and meeples? Then you should sign up for our Mailing List!

Once you've created the best "", it's time to...


You'll use your 5 Action Cards each turn to move through the museum - gaining knowledge, befriending strangers, finding romance, and making some mischief.

See, that's what those shiny Memory Tokens are above: Education, Friendship, Romance, and Mischief.

They represent the memories you can make - and describe to your fellow players.

When you say "I buy that Teen a toy cat and then push them out of the gift shop so I can steal some bacon", well, that's you telling a story. A story unique to your bacon and cat museum.

Sign-up for our Mailing List or read about winning the game below.

Game set up for 3 players

Let's talk about the end of the game: Complete

You see, when the museum closes at 7pm (after 7 rounds), the Memory Tokens you are collecting will be used to complete Trait Cards that give you victory points.

For example, if you want to be a Nosy Pirate, you'll need 1 Education, 1 Friendship, 3 Romance, and 4 Mischief. Oh, and the Trait Cards in your hand are secret until the end of the game.

Game set up for 3 players

I know we've talked about a lot, but we haven't even touched on the carefully balanced action economy, conditions for collecting Romance, or the secret passages.

But don't worry! Just know that we've tested the game with over 400 people.

Mischief at the Museum has a simple cooperative setup phase that is approachable for casual players. It then transitions into the competitive main game that has layers of strategy both novice and experienced players can enjoy.

It's bonafide!

But don't take our word for it, sign up for the Mailing List and you'll learn about opportunities to play at conferences or online with Tabletopia, as well as when the Kickstarter goes live!

People playing the gamme

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Stay up to date with info including the Kickstarter launch of Mischief at the Museum (Spring 2023), the Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia versions going live, other playtest events, and conference appearances. Your email will never be shared with anyone or used for anything other than Surprisingly Fun Games updates.
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Surprisingly Fun Games

Surprisingly Fun Games was created in 2019 by Shawn Patton. Shawn wants to help bring new players into the world of board games by creating easily accessible games that contain hidden, deeper strategies. The first game brought to market in 2022 is Tin Spin, the second is Sweet Deals in 2023, and Mischief at the Museum: a family friendly game where you build a museum with your friends and then visit it to have the most memorable day ever will be launched in 2024!

Mischief at the Museum, Surprisingly Fun Games
and Design are trademarks of
Surprisingly Fun Games llc
Shawn Patton's Mischief at the Museum
Surprisingly Fun Games llc
Copyright 2013-2021
